Picture of the Substitute Meat Workshop

Substitute Meat

More plant-based on our plates thanks to healthy meat substitutes.

There is no such thing as one right way to move away from meat and eat more plant-based food. Every person in his or her own situation is different and unique.

  • How can you substitute meat intelligently?
  • Why are more and more people choosing plant-based?
  • What does it mean to be a vegetarian or vegan?
  • What benefits do you get out of it for yourself and what are the more far-reaching effects of those choices?
  • Are there any important concerns?
  • What are the best alternatives to animal protein, and how do I prepare them?

In the introduction to this workshop, we will have the conversation together about all these and also your questions.

Cooking with the best meat substitutes

We learn to cook with the best meat substitutes. In the practical part of about two hours we will conjure up a delicious tasting menu together.

  • You’ll be able to prepare tasty dishes that will also appeal to meat-eaters.
  • You will master the best meat substitutes.
  • And you can shop and stand in your kitchen more confidently.
  • You will go home with new knowledge and insights about plant-based eating.

This workshop will already give you a solid foundation to find your own way in the discovery journey of plant-based nutrition.

  • Duration: 2 and a half hours
  • Maximum number of participants : 6

Everyone is welcome.

Cooking workshops Substitute Meat in Schaerbeek

Cooking workshops on
Saturday morning from 10.30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
by appointment as a private cooking workshop

Two different workshops

There are two different workshops to inspire you to reduce or even abandon meat altogether :

  • In the Substitute Meat A workshop, we cook with good meat substitutes that have a texture pretty similar to what people are used to from meat. Examples are : tofu, tempeh, seitan, textured soy protein.
  • For the Substitute Meat B workshop, we cook exclusively with pulses (legumes) as meat substitutes. These have enormous health benefits even though they are quite different in texture from what people are used to from meat.

Would you like to participate in one of these workshops?
Select the date of your choice from the list of upcoming cooking workshops below and follow the instructions on the event page to book your workshop.

First upcoming Substitute Meat workshops

Click on the blue links to book your workshop:

In what language is the workshop?

The workshops will have Dutch, French and English as vehicular languages based on the spoken language of the registered participants.

How much does participation in the workshop cost?

Our prices